Securing protection from creditors and predators by using a Private Retirement Plan (“PRP”), the assets of which are specifically exempted from levy under California Code of Civil Procedure §704.115, is one of the fastest-growing and most comprehensive areas of transactional estate planning for residents of California. However, in order for a PRP to be effective against legal challenges, whether during your life or after death, it is critical that the structure be designed, funded and administered principally for retirement purposes.

There are many situations and events which, although beyond our control, may result in our hard-earned assets being lost through judicial confiscation, including: (a) business disputes and revenue losses not covered by insurance; (b) “piercing” or “reverse piercing” of a corporate or LLC veil; (c) frivolous personal lawsuits; (d) exposure to claims of fraudulent conveyance; and (e) poorly administered estate plans which leave the door open to unwanted attacks, such as for undue influence, coercion, mistake, fraud or lack of testamentary capacity.

We safeguard your retirement assets and preserve the legacies you wish to leave for heirs, charities and friends by focusing on the integrity of retirement planning and utilizing lawful, legitimate protections from creditors and predators. Professional administration of a PRP is essential to achieving the exemption-based protections afforded to California residents under applicable state law. Therefore, we work exclusively with one of the leading PRP administrative companies in the field of private retirement plans today: Trust-CFO.

Find out how much you could benefit: